Monday, January 14, 2008

Living the dream

Well folks, for one week I will be living the dream that is the fleeting ideal of every college student: to be at college with absolutely NO work. You've got friends, all the free time in the world, and even all your meals cooked for you. I suppose that actually finding ways to get free meals in the dining hall when you have no meal plan is the hardest part, but that's no big deal really. I've simply been pulling either the "Aroop method" or what I will call the "fake guest meal method." Both work only in Paresky. The Aroop method simply entails waiting until the line is going out the door and the card swipers are too busy to notice you walking out with your tray of food, being screened by the line of people. The fake guest meal method entails finding someone who was abroad in the fall (or someone with no guest meals left) and having them guest you at the front. As soon as the card swiper sees you, you just walk out while they perform the card swipe. It takes them a minute to realize that this person actually has no guest meals, by which time you're long gone and have found yourself another free meal. I suppose you could just actually find someone to give you a real guest meal, but that's just no fun. And also, it's not like I haven't already paid for these meals (in a way). Whatever, Williams has plenty of $$$.

Anyways, back to the living of the dream that is my life currently.

So far, I've just been taking time to enjoy all the things that I never had time for during the semester: working out in the gym, watching Planet Earth, and hanging out with friends. It is a little strange sometimes feeling like I don't belong here or getting someone who says, "Hey Carl, what are you doing here, I thought you were going to South Africa?" The explanation of "Oh, you know, I'm just here for a while.... hanging out" seems to only bring on jealousy. Of all the times I could have been here with no work, January was definitely the best time to come. Everyone is nearly in the same boat as I am: on campus with (practically) no work to do and loads of free time to spend (or waste) on shenanigans. But in my opinion, what some might call "wasting time" is the best way to spend Winter "Study."

And thus I will enjoy passing my time on campus reveling in the leisure and relaxation of Williams during Winter Study. Though, the thought that I will be in Stellenbosch in just a few more days is pretty exciting on the one hand, but also a little inconceivable too. It doesn't really register in my mind quite yet, how drastic of a change the experience will be. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get there. Until Sunday...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

youre living like i was. its fun huh?